I am a final year student studying Marketing, Advertising and Communications. Having undertaken a 12-month placement at Microsoft last year, returning to student life has been a bit of a shock to the system! With only 2 months left to go, I'm excited for the next chapter in my life and ever the optimist, I'll be tackling lifes challenges with the outlook that the glass is always half full!

Saturday 9 February 2013

And So it Begins

If anyone is actually reading this, welcome to my blog!

...everyone seemed to be jumping on board the blogging fun bus so I thought, why not!?

The main reason I decided to start sharing my life on the worldwide web is as I'm jetting off on an adventure this summer (what final year student isn't!?) and thought it would be a good way for my family and friends to see what I'm up to.

Being new to the blogging world, I don't really know what to say, so this blog could either become exceedingly boring or maybe you'll discover I actually have one or two interesting things to say. Right now my mind is on dissertation overload - 3 months to go and not a word written, I've become the queen of procrastination (hence why I'm writting this...)

But hey, it will be alright on the night!...Keep calm

Adios x

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