I am a final year student studying Marketing, Advertising and Communications. Having undertaken a 12-month placement at Microsoft last year, returning to student life has been a bit of a shock to the system! With only 2 months left to go, I'm excited for the next chapter in my life and ever the optimist, I'll be tackling lifes challenges with the outlook that the glass is always half full!

Monday 25 February 2013

We Are Victorious

Yesterday was a good day. As I’ve said before, I play for the University volleyball team and yesterday we had a volleyball tournament fancy dress fun day and I managed to roundup a whole one of my housemates and two other friends to join me.

Never being one to shy away from fancy dress and regularly enjoying bouncing around the house pretending to be a bunny (you think I’m joking), I grabbed hold of the opportunity to draw a bunny/cat/mouse (I’ll let you interpret it as you wish) nose and whiskers on my face.

....From the face paint, came the inspiration for our team name. ‘The Pussaaaays’ (grow up).

Anyway, after four games of intense (arguable) volleyball, who else came away victorious but, The Pussaaaays!! Thankfully we’d left before our crowning ceremony, as I was told later that our prize was a cake and having given up everything good for lent and still going strong, this would have been torture, not a reward! 

On another note, yours truly has become a professional blogger! (Possibly a slight exaggeration…). I applied for a job as a blogger for Endsleigh* and have been successful! OK, so it’s not paid, but with the economic market as it is, we students need anything to stand out! And hey, I’m quite enjoying this whole blogging malarkey so it might be fun!

Bye for now x

* http://www.endsleigh.co.uk/Student/hub/Pages/student-hub.aspx 
 This is where my blog for Endsleigh will be located

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Not Just One for The Girls

After a lifetime of close to perfect skin (I can say this now that I’m suffering...) I couldn’t cope with blemishes, spots and dry skin attacking my face at the age of 22. Out of nowhere, I started getting really dry skin around my eyes and lips (my housemates kindly told me that I looked like an old woman, cheers!) and red blemishes and spots that just wouldn’t budge.

I had to find a solution.
After trying out a few different options, I came across Manuka Doctor products, all thanks to Millie Mackintosh from Made in Chelsea (See, you can learn a thing or two from reality TV).  After trying a few of the products in trial size, I decided to go the whole hog and buy the full-size skin serum treatment. At £18.99 for a 30ml bottle, I didn’t take this lightly. But my oh my was it the right decision.

The serum contains Purified Bee Venom which apparently works wonders…who knew! A month in and I’ve seen huge improvements. At last, a beauty fad that actually works!!

For all of you having difficulties with your skin or if you’re one of the lucky ones and just want to perfect your almost perfect skin. I would highly recommend it. And guys, that’s you included. Don’t be afraid, us girls won’t judge.

If my words of persuasion haven’t tempted you, I’ve just heard today (hence why I was spurred on to dedicate this blog to Manuka) that Superdrug are now selling Manuka Doctor Products!! And…and… wait for it….they’re offering Buy 1 get the 2nd Half Price.


Enjoy your perfect skin.

Ciao Bella x

Sunday 17 February 2013

Two Life Lessons

This weekend has been a good one. I had two Volleyball matches on Saturday (who cares who won) which I really enjoyed, largely because I got to wear my brand spanking new trainers! (£12 instead of £40, what a deal!)

Then my friend from placement, Lizzie, came to visit me and see the sights of Cheltenham. If you do only one good thing today, let it be to follow @LizzieAJohnston. A friend in need.

We decided to take a trip into town today, what else can you do these days… once upon a time meeting up with friends meant putting on shows for the parents, making a tent out of bed sheets and performing dances (ok so the last one still stands). Anyway, the trip to town taught me two life lessons:
     1.      Always get your travel insurance from Debenhams
     2.      Complaining gets you everywhere

Professional skier - tricks and everything

I was lucky enough to go skiing earlier this year (First time and I’ve definitely caught the ski bug) and I decided to take out my travel insurance with Debenhams…what a great decision it turned out to be. After spending £11 on the insurance I was then rewarded with two £5 vouchers to spend in Debenhams. So off I went to buy myself some £21 concealer* (I know) and with an addditional 10% discount, I came away with the product for just £8.90. Pretty much daylight robbery! 

Next stop, TGI Fridays. Having contemplated what to have for a considerably shorter amount of time than usual, some people might say I’m indecisive, I decided on a chicken and bacon burger with Brie and Maple syrup (You will learn that I like weird mixes of sweet and savoury. i.e bacon and banana toasties, one of the best combinations ever invented) >>>

The burger arrives. No Brie or Maple Syrup. Obviously I’m totally outraged (If you know me, you know that outrage for me isn’t too scary a thing) and I demand (ask for politely) a discount. Well the £2 off I’m offered is more of a micky take than a favour so rather than settling, the battle continues resulting in me getting the meal for free! Melissa 1, TGI Fridays 0. The moral of the story? Complain....nicely.

That’s all for now.

See you x

* Lancome Effacernes Concealer – The best concealer EVER.

Friday 15 February 2013

Who Needs Clothes?

Wednesday nights are sports night at my university and everyone gets dressed up, has a big social with their team and heads over to a club to meet with the other sports teams. Although I’m a keen volleyball player, this Wednesday my loyalties faltered and I went along to the tennis social with the rest of my housemates.

The theme was ABC (anything but clothes) so I used my creativity and designed myself a dress out of bin bags and tape. 
<<< Might make my clothes more often...student life.

I decided that the social would be a perfect opportunity for me to sing a song that I made up in year 7 (yes I still remember it) which went wonderfully (and no I can’t sing)…Followed by performing a dance with my housemate which we insist on performing endlessly on nights out. Could it be that I’m missing my days of dancing and drama??

On another note, Papa Steve sent me a very interesting video the other day which I had to share. It’s called ‘The Secrets of the Science of Persuasion' and teaches you all about how to make people say yes. Not the worst thing to learn!

Trust me, It’s 5 minutes of your life you won’t regret… http://www.wimp.com/persuasionscience/  

Vale x

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Today is a Big Day

What better time to write my second post, than on Pancake Day.

Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE food. So this means that Pancake Day is quite frankly one of the best days of the year. As a reward to myself for all my hard work on my dissertation (umm…) I decided that I would only eat pancakes all day.


I start the day with just one pancake as I’m running late for work. Well that’s more of a tease than satisfying. Get to work (in the students union) and the refectory aren't selling pancakes. IDEAL.

I’d like to pretend that the pancakes in the picture are my creation, but in fact I've had to resort to Bing search (Microsoft have brainwashed me) to find something oh so delightful that I can set to work on tonight!

But what makes this such a big day isn't just pancakes, today is the last day of all things good, today is the day before tomorrow, when I give up everything good in my life! (Well…sweets, chocolates, biscuits and cakes). Being someone who can’t go a day without a sweet treat, this is going to be a challenge and a half!

Why am I doing it?? Because nobody thinks I can.

Wish me luck!!

Ciao x

Saturday 9 February 2013

And So it Begins

If anyone is actually reading this, welcome to my blog!

...everyone seemed to be jumping on board the blogging fun bus so I thought, why not!?

The main reason I decided to start sharing my life on the worldwide web is as I'm jetting off on an adventure this summer (what final year student isn't!?) and thought it would be a good way for my family and friends to see what I'm up to.

Being new to the blogging world, I don't really know what to say, so this blog could either become exceedingly boring or maybe you'll discover I actually have one or two interesting things to say. Right now my mind is on dissertation overload - 3 months to go and not a word written, I've become the queen of procrastination (hence why I'm writting this...)

But hey, it will be alright on the night!...Keep calm

Adios x