I am a final year student studying Marketing, Advertising and Communications. Having undertaken a 12-month placement at Microsoft last year, returning to student life has been a bit of a shock to the system! With only 2 months left to go, I'm excited for the next chapter in my life and ever the optimist, I'll be tackling lifes challenges with the outlook that the glass is always half full!

Friday 17 May 2013

Radio Silent

The title of this blog post is very representative of how I've been the past month... My mind had been absorbed in the world of dissertation and my brain has made no allowances for any other thoughts... But hurrah it's done! And I can honestly say the whole experience was rather unstressful. Forget all the dissertation hype! (Come results...let's see if this blasé approach pays off...)

After moaning at the constant photos of people with their dissertations... I of course went ahead and followed the crowd ( living with a housemate that documents her life through photos, this opportunity could hardly go a miss)... 

MAC class of 2009 (or is it 2013!??) 
We were extremely lucky to have one of the very few sunny days of 2013 on dissertation hand in, so had a lovely BBQ with special guest appearances from DJ Scratch and DJ mix!... And yes there were decks and a microphone and I did sing a song or two. Beyonce eat your heart out! 

Despite my mind being absorbed by dissertation, I have In fact done a few other things the past month. Here's a few highlights that I'd like to remember! 

Baking the ultimate cake for my housemate Steph with another housemate of mine Wenna... 

But that's not it... Now check out the slices!!! Rainbow :) 

I also took a day away from work to spend a day at Alton Towers with Sid (formerly know as Steve, the name of which has been banished thanks to it being the same as my dads... Enough said).

Ever the one to find a deal, we bought a box of Kellogg's to get the adult go free voucher which I happily chopped off the box and popped in to my pocket. Turns out it's the actual voucher on the side of the box you need, not the pretty advertisement on the side (who knew!!) so here I am at the pay desk after a 3 hour drive from Cheltenham almost having to pay £50 to get into a theme park. Not an ideal situation when you're a poor student 

But hurrah! Thank you O2 priority moments for saving the day! (...and my relationship!) 

The day was then nicely rounded off with a BBQ in the not so sunny sunshine...

I've also had to big events at Uni, the summer ball and sports awards! Both of which allowed me to get dolled up (in recycled dresses, very unlike me) and enjoy one of my final few nights with my Uni chums. 

Wenna, Kate and I also took a day trip to Oxford once Uni work was all done and dusted.  Despite the drizzle of rain, we couldn't journey to Oxford without a go at punting! And what an adventure it was. 

It turns out that despite Kate being good at most sports, she is certainly not a natural at punting. Although the same could be said for me as I steered us into a bush which resulted in my hair getting entwined around the twigs. 

Ready to punt!! 

Now that Uni is over, I'm straight into the next adventure! So that's why I find myself sat in Heathrow airport with a bag that is determined to make me topple backwards (I'm sure there's a little  person in there running the opposite direction to me). 

With a further 4 hours wait before my flight, you can be sure to see another post to hear all about my travels.

Stay tuned! 

Adios x

Ps. First time using the blogspot app so i have no idea how this will all appear! 

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