I am a final year student studying Marketing, Advertising and Communications. Having undertaken a 12-month placement at Microsoft last year, returning to student life has been a bit of a shock to the system! With only 2 months left to go, I'm excited for the next chapter in my life and ever the optimist, I'll be tackling lifes challenges with the outlook that the glass is always half full!

Wednesday 10 April 2013

This Little Piggy…

...Sat on a cake!

Ever the procrastinators, avoiding university work at all costs…my housemate Kate and I decided to create a wondrous cake for no reason at all.

Why not give it a go yourself? Here’s what you’ll need (If you don’t want to make it…1. You’re weird and 2. It’s probably best to skip this part)

Cake ingredients – You can make whatever you like, we went for a Victoria sponge with pink buttercream and it went down a treat. A really easy recipe to remember goes like this… 4oz Butter + 4oz Caster Sugar + 4oz Self Raising Flour + 2 eggs (+ Vanilla Essence). If you want to make a bigger cake, all you do is double all of the ingredients. EASY. For the butter icing just keep adding icing sugar and butter until it’s to your taste and add a bit colour to spice things up. Wild thing.

Piggy’s – Whilst the cake is cooking, it’s time to make your little piggy’s!! You’ll need some pink marzipan (we mixed red food colouring with white marzipan), then get creative!! By the time you’re finished with them you’ll have man-handled them so much, I’d recommend not eating them… plus there’s no way we could have eaten Sal and Gordz!!

Chocolate fondant icing – Next, heat 250ml of double cream and when it’s just about to boil add 400g of milk chocolate cubes. Now care for this as if it were your baby, keep slowly stirring it for a good 30 minutes in order for it to thicken up. We cradled ours and gave it a gentle stir whilst watching Broadchurch (Brilliant program!!). Rather therapeutic in fact.

Kit Kat – Once the chocolate is slightly thicker than custard, dip one side of a KitKat into it and place on the side of the cake, keep going until the entire sides of the cake our covered. Then it’s time to pour the rest of the chocolate onto the cake. We went for a casual approach and let it run down the edges of the cake, filling in any gaps between the Kit Kats.  

Finishing touches – Now it’s time to add a ribbon and pop your little pigs into their new home…and… TADA it’s done! 


Now I don’t know if you can fall in love with a cake, but I think I have. It gave me and Kate great excitement and I even considered it bringing it into my room to sleep as I couldn’t bare to leave it! AND our social networking sites have never seen so much action (Slight exaggeration). Buzzing!

We’ve even had interest from a local Deli who want us to provide a quote for them. Oh the adventures of Melissa and Kate.

Enjoy! x  

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