I am a final year student studying Marketing, Advertising and Communications. Having undertaken a 12-month placement at Microsoft last year, returning to student life has been a bit of a shock to the system! With only 2 months left to go, I'm excited for the next chapter in my life and ever the optimist, I'll be tackling lifes challenges with the outlook that the glass is always half full!

Tuesday 18 June 2013

What a Start to Chiang Mai!

After spending the night in our £3.50 a night room in Chiang Mai (a poxy fan and mattress (debatable) on the floor) you get what you paid for.... I spent my first moments of Chiang Mai where I feel at home most. The hospital! 

As most of you will know, in the past few years I've been a regular at several A&E's  all for the oddest reasons, so I couldn't come to Thailand and not check out the facilities here! Basically, I have a strange bite on my foot that has become infected and very swollen and yucky looking. Fingers crossed all will be ok now I'm dosed up on pills... 

Moving swiftly on, today we visited Tiger Kingdom. On the way we walked through a really nice park close to where we're staying. 

Chiang Mai is a really nice place, far cleaner, prettier and quieter than Bangkok! 

At Tiger Kingdom,  we decided we wanted our picture taken with the biggest Tigers, so I psyched myself up to enter their compound. As you can see, as with the Elephant's in Sri Lanka, I was an absolute natural!....

...not!! It was way more scary than I thought! It doesn't help that we're warned to not touch their paws then here's the tiger just tapping away at my leg with his paw! I think I'll stick with babies rather than animals.... 

Although I did become slightly braver during my time in there and even tackled three tigers! 

We also saw some one month old baby tigers who were SO cute!!! I think I could have dealt with them far better. I did feel sorry for the tigers though, having so many shut away in cages. But most of them seemed happy enough, playing around with each other in the water. 

In the evening we went to a night market (I'm getting good at this bargaining!) then had a meal at a really cute restaurant. 

The food here is usually about £2-£3 for a meal and it's delicious! A welcomed change after a month of spicy curry. 

Tomorrow I'm off on a 3 day elephant trek! Wish me (and my bite) luck!! 

Bye x

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