I am a final year student studying Marketing, Advertising and Communications. Having undertaken a 12-month placement at Microsoft last year, returning to student life has been a bit of a shock to the system! With only 2 months left to go, I'm excited for the next chapter in my life and ever the optimist, I'll be tackling lifes challenges with the outlook that the glass is always half full!

Friday 5 April 2013

I Achieved the Impossible!

...I lasted 47 days without sweets, chocolate, biscuits and cakes!!! There were several times along the way that I thought, really, why am I doing this? And now having had time to reflect on my traumatic experience I’m still thinking. Why did I do it?

I guess what it came down to was a test of my willpower, and well… I passed! For somebody who ‘needs’ something sweet every single day, it’s just proved what I can do when I put my mind to it. I’ve learnt that I am very strong-minded and won’t allow myself to fail. Which I suppose is a good thing!

 and... it gave me even more reason to binge at Easter! 
Creme Egg Brownies
Walked off a little of the chocolate

What else have I learnt this past week?


Now this sounds a little random so I’ll explain… On Tuesday I thought it would be a brilliant idea to fill a bowl with boiling water and steam my face (To boys this probably sounds a little odd, but girls, you’ll get this).

So here I am, sat on the sofa with a big bowl of freshly boiled water on the chair arm next to me (I know, this sounds stupid… In my defence, the arms are flat!). Well you can guess what comes next… Yes. I knock the entire bowl of boiling water off the arm and onto my lap. The words that followed I won’t repeat!!

My little fiasco resulted in a lounge covered in water, the worst pain in the world, a three hour visit to A&E (Those who know me will know that I've become a bit of a regular at A&E these days…), and a scarred (Not long-term…PHEW) and bandaged leg! JOY.

I think it’s finally time to admit (and this will give my dad great joy)

…I’m a clutz.

Until next time x

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