I am a final year student studying Marketing, Advertising and Communications. Having undertaken a 12-month placement at Microsoft last year, returning to student life has been a bit of a shock to the system! With only 2 months left to go, I'm excited for the next chapter in my life and ever the optimist, I'll be tackling lifes challenges with the outlook that the glass is always half full!

Thursday 29 August 2013

It's Gili Time

Gili was really pretty and there was a nice (not magaluf style) strip with shops, restaurants and bars. 

After the luxury we had got used to, our dinghy room with no air con felt quite a step down, especially for Sid the new traveller, but other than that the island was perfect! 

We spent our time on Gili lounging on the beach and enjoying the nightlife in the evenings. Some of the restaurants had beds on the sand with lots of little lights, so it was really nice to chill out looking out to see, before heading to the bars and clubs. 

The four of us also decided we couldn't miss the opportunity to go scuba diving, especially as Louise could be our guide. After practicing in the pool I was a little nervous, but once down there in the sea it was so easy and fun. We saw tonnes of fishes and even a turtle! 

The next day we took a day trip to Lombok with our friend Flores from Holland. After our biking experience in Vietnam, we decided to rent mopeds! I had a go with Sid on the back but was wavering everywhere with his big weight off balancing me so I decided to take the easy spot at the back! 

Phoebe and Tristan. 

We drove along a coastal road which had stunning views...

...and then found ourselves a private beach...paradise! 

When we were nearly back to the boat port, Sid and I (slow but steady wins the race) came round a bend to find the other three at the side of the road with a bike on the floor, having skidded on some oil. 

We were sure it was all a big ploy to get money as there was a big section of oil on two big bends yet not a splash in between. There was also a local who helped them up and then disappeared, then when handing our bikes back, the owner mysteriously new exactly what had happened and so demanded 1 mil (£60) for the (very minor) damage. The man then became quite aggressive towards Tristan and despite all three boys being far taller than the tubby little man, we thought it best to pay up rather than evoke a fight which would have resulted in 3 against 100. Not great odds. 

That's the one thing that's driven me mad in South East Asia, the dishonesty, scamming and the fact they will do anything to get our money! 

On our last day in Gili. Tristan, Sid and I went to Sunset bar and played a little volleyball then enjoyed the pretty sunset. It was a great ending to our stay at Gili.

Moving on to the next stop, Bali! 

Ciao x

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