I am a final year student studying Marketing, Advertising and Communications. Having undertaken a 12-month placement at Microsoft last year, returning to student life has been a bit of a shock to the system! With only 2 months left to go, I'm excited for the next chapter in my life and ever the optimist, I'll be tackling lifes challenges with the outlook that the glass is always half full!

Tuesday 5 March 2013

What A Weekend

I took a trip to London this weekend to visit two of my friends from home that I have been friends with since we were little nippers, aged 4. It was a really nice opportunity for the three of us to meet up as I can’t remember the last time we did!
My 8th Birthday. Clearly I've always had a love for food... check out the burger shaped  birthday cake!
As per usual, our day on Friday revolved around food. No sweets, chocolates or goodies might I add! (Despite my entire house failing at lent, I’m still going strong! Sometimes I do ask myself why I’m doing it, but there seems to be a little man inside my brain that just won’t let me fail!)

After wandering around the beautiful streets of Covent Garden (Oh I can’t wait to live in London) we ended the day in a bar in Clapham called Lost Society*. I won’t forget this place for two reasons:

1. They had the best cocktails I have EVER tasted (resulting in a £70 drinks bill between the three of us. OH. GOD.)

2. I watched my first Burlesque show! Although we spent our time scrutinising the girl’s bodies and dancing skills  (this is what happens when girls watch other girls strip…) we actually really enjoyed it!

Then me being me....I managed to lose my massive chunky scarf, which has been my friend through three winters. It was quite a feat losing such a big item of clothing, so I really think I should be congratulated on this loss. AND in fact the loss of the scarf actually ended up being a positive (kind of)....

Here I was mourning over my scarf on the train whilst changing into flats for the walk home (before I continue this story, it’s probably best you know that we were a little drunk by this time) and this sparked a conversation with two guys on the train. Well once we got chatting, we thought it only best to get more and more people involved, so we made eye contact with people and smiled (not at all creepy) until they joined in a conversation with us. By the time we reached our stop at Twickenham we had half of our train carriage chatting...what a change from the usual solemn, silent train journey! We even managed to spark a bit of a love affair between two complete strangers, just call us cupid.

Buzzing from our train revelation, we made a pact that every train journey from then on we would chat to a new person, on a mission to make London friendlier.

Well, lets just say that didn’t last. By day two we had failed.

So everyone, share the love...scrap the whole don't talk to strangers (Disclaimer: Does not apply to kids)

Ciao x

*If you want to venture to a bar in London that’s a little bit different, definitely give Lost Society a visit. Check it out: http://www.lostsociety.co.uk/

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