I am a final year student studying Marketing, Advertising and Communications. Having undertaken a 12-month placement at Microsoft last year, returning to student life has been a bit of a shock to the system! With only 2 months left to go, I'm excited for the next chapter in my life and ever the optimist, I'll be tackling lifes challenges with the outlook that the glass is always half full!

Thursday 19 September 2013

A snapshot of Malaysia

Out first stop in Malaysia was Kuala Lumpa. We checked in at Reggae Mansion hostel which we'd heard rave reviews about...and it definitely lived up to it! The nicest hostel of the trip by far... you could almost call it a hotel (minus the rooms)....

We were in a 16 bed dorm and you eah have a little cubby hole with a mirror, cupboard, plug socket and light. Much better than your standard bunk bed! 

On our first day we explored KL and went to the city museum and independence square.

Out hostel was holding a wine tasting evening which we went along to a wine tasting evening(who would say no to free wine) and Tristan got called upon for his opinion of the wine...something about a woody aroma??

Then everyone headed to the rooftop bar where the absolutely crazy owner insisted on pouring free drinks down everyone's throuts before heading to Bukit Bintang we hung out with a Reggae star (yes we you tube'd him). 

The next day we did A LOT of walking trying to sort out our bus to Penang, and went to the Chinese market where of course I indulged in a bit of retail therapy. 

That evening we headed to the prestigious Sky Bar with two friends from the hostel, which had an absolutely amazing view of the Petronus Towers! 

Taken from the windows at Sky Bar.

The next day not quite all viewed out just yet, we decided to go up the tower (I've forgotten what it's called...)thankfully there was a lift, not stairs...

We almost got just as excited with the parrots that we could hold at the bottom!
Looking a tiny bit more natural? Maybe birds are my thing...

When we got to the next place, Penang, we checked into the other Reggae Hostel in the chain. 

Here we met an equally crazy manager called Charlie who insisted on calling us Charlie's Angels (minus Tristan) and told us the most elaborate and peculiar story I have ever heard, revolving around Baby George supposedly being the new Jesus...

We found that Malaysia is a great place to go out for girls, because everything is free! Poor Tristan had to pay for drinks and club entrance whilst girls enjoyed freebies the entire night. Can this catch on more in England please!? 

We met a really nice group of people from Kuwait who we spent our evening with, dancing away in one of the few clubs! 

There wasn't much to see in the daytime, just a museum and the sea front (not the prettiest), but there was an amazing food court which we of course all got very excited about!

YUM! Future business idea...

We then got a boat over to Langkawi and found delightful accomodation called Joe Lankawi's Budget Motel, which felt like we were in a run down council estate when walking up the stairs to the Motel. For less than £2.50 a night though and a duvet covet like this, I couldn't complain....(sorry Sid)

In the day we chilled on the beach and Phoebe and I managed to bag ourself a free ride on jet ski's which was so much fun! 

In the evening we met with our friends from Kuwait and headed to Sun Bar, it was really nice to have a group of us as there wasn't that many tourists about. 

The next day we visited a waterfall which was really pretty and we could swim in. 

We also went on the worlds steepest gondola (and my it felt it!).

Then went off road on segways! And this is no Moors Valley Park off-roading, they do it for real here! At one point I came off and the Segway went wild! (Thank goodness for my safety gear...)

Safety first! 

On our last day in Langkawi, Tristan left us to journey on to Taman Negara whilst  we went on a trip around Lankawi. 

We stopped at a fish farm, with the highlight being fishes that would shoot spit at a piece of bread stuck on a post out above the water, to make it fall into the water so that they could eat it! 

We also watched feeding time for the Eagles, it was incredible the number of them! At least 20-30 were there. 

Much to my joy, we visited more monkeys!! There were tonnes of them and I was wrong to think that I was safe on the boat as they'd just hop right across and join us! 

Lastly we visited a bat cave which contained thousands of bats! The best part though was watching a monkey terrorise a little boy outside the cave, mimicking his every move (I know...cruel).

It was now time to journey on to the part of Malaysia we had all really been looking forward to... the Perhentian Islands! 

Ciao x

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