I am a final year student studying Marketing, Advertising and Communications. Having undertaken a 12-month placement at Microsoft last year, returning to student life has been a bit of a shock to the system! With only 2 months left to go, I'm excited for the next chapter in my life and ever the optimist, I'll be tackling lifes challenges with the outlook that the glass is always half full!

Tuesday 5 November 2013

...and so the journey ends.

Wow was it a journey... after 30 hours I finally arrived in Spain and after having no money for food and water, other than what was free on the plane, I was feeling a little worse for wear! And why did I have absolutely zero money? Well Asia thought it would throw me one more curve ball as a goodbye present. 

So here I was sat happily in McDonalds in Kuala Lumpa airport waiting for my plane to Malaga, when after 2 hours of being there, I realise I'm in the wrong airport! Now you're thinking...idiot. But when both airports have the code (KUL) and do international flights, I think the mistake seems more reasonable! 

In a fluster I jumped into a taxi panicked that I wouldn't get to the correct airport in time. My relief that it was only a 20 minute journey and I got there in plenty of time, was soon tarnished when the taxi man told me I would need to pay him 500 ringit which is £100 (baring in mind it should have been no more than £5). And what was his reasoning? apparently he'd sped through speed cameras to get me there in time, the fact that we were goog no faster than other cars makes me question this...

So what do I do? The best thing to do in this situation...cry...knowing fully well that I don't even have that in my bank. After being escorted to a cash point and arguing that there is no way I can pay £100 I finally get off with paying £30 (still completely ridiculous) after which he decides it's a good time to chat me up. Let's just say, I will never complain about a taxi driver in Europe again. 

Back to Spain...

We stayed in my Aunty and Uncle's apartment in Benehavis (just outside Marbella) and it was like being in luxury! It was so nice to be back with family and to have comforts that felt like home.

We spent a few days chilling at the pool and would go out to dinner in the many pretty nearby towns at night. The food was AMAZING and the fact that I didn't have to pay for it made it even tastier! 

Trip to a hidden water fall

After a week of relaxation and not having to think or feel responsible for myself (ahh paradise) it was time to go home and I couldn't quite believe the 4 months was over! 

Home sweet home 

England welcomed me with open arms...and rain, hail and wind...

It took some getting used to the cold weather again but I quickly settled back in and quite frankly, it felt like the last few months had been a dream and I'd never left!! 

... And having been back for 6 weeks how do I feel? ... I'm so incredibly glad that I did it, it was an experience I'll never ever forget. Not only do I have a billion memories brought to life by a kazzillion pictures, but I really do see changes in myself for the better too. 

People always ask me what my favourite place was but I really can't choose! Each place was special and amazing for a different reason. Yes we came across some issues during or trip and had to deal with liars, thieves and rats (ew), but now they're all just stories that we can laugh about! 

I'm now left poorer than in my oh so distant student days, applying for jobs and pondering about where my next travels can take me... but it was oh so worth it!! 

Take me back!?